Thursday, November 28, 2019

Abolition of Capital Punishment in California essays

Abolition of Capital Punishment in California essays The Abolition of Capital Punishment in California: A Legal California, and indeed the entire United States, has a lengthy tradition of capital punishment. Since the state's inception in 1850, California has sanctioned the death penalty as means to punish, deter, and, perhaps most significantly, seek retribution for certain offenses. However, in 1972, the United States Supreme Courts Furman v. Georgia decision held the death penalty unconstitutional. Citing the 8th Amendment barring cruel and unusual punishment, the court effectively stuck down all death-penalty statutes throughout the country. This decision had little to do with the moral questions posed by capital punishment; rather it was the manner in which sentences were being arrived at and who was punished that concerned the majority of justices. This decision marked a vital change in law nationwide and forced states to re-evaluate and revise their capital punishment statutes, in an effort to provide less arbitrary and more considerate sentencing. California thus restructured its law to include the two-stage, guilt and penalty phase trial, ushering in the modern era of capital punishment in the state. Current incarnation of the law allows a death sentence to be prescribed for homicide convictions with special circumstances only, and requires that juries consider both mitigating and aggravating circumstances during sentencing. While these revisions have resulted in relatively more just and accurate sentencing, it remains impossible to completely eliminate the human factors that influence and skew such legal decisions. In mind it follows that this possibility raises a higher moral question to Californians: is this a sound and fair manner with which to administer justice? Moreover, does and has capital punishment proven beneficial enough to the people of the state to merit its continued application? ...

Sunday, November 24, 2019

Are There Black People With Freckles

Are There Black People With Freckles SAT / ACT Prep Online Guides and Tips When you think about freckles, what do you think of? Fair-skinned children whose mothers slather sunblock on them? Bright, shocking red hair? Maybe even Pippi Longstocking? As a beauty feature, freckles are commonly associated with fair-skinned people, leading to the question: â€Å"Can black people have freckles?† The answer is yes- there are many black people with freckles, as well as people with other skin tones who have freckles, too. In this article, I’ll break down what causes freckles and who has them. I’ll also provide images of black people with freckles to demonstrate the different skin tones that have freckles. Can Black People Have Freckles? 3 Examples of Freckles on a Black Person Check out these three images to see examples of how freckles look on a black person. What Are Freckles? Freckles, also known as ephelides, are clusters of melanized skin. Freckles have melanocytes (melanin-producing cells) that overproduce melanin granules which change the color of outer skin cells. What does that mean? Basically, freckles are bunched-up clusters of melanin-producing cells. When UV rays hit these bunched-up clusters of cells, they’ll darken in color, changing the pigment of small parts of your skin. Freckles are triggered by sunlight, meaning that they develop as you grow and expose your skin to the sun. Because freckles appear after exposure to sun, many people associate them with sun damage. However, freckles are actually not related to sun damage at all. Freckles can, though, disguise lentigo, or sun spots, which can be a sign of cancer. Regardless of your skin tone and the presence of freckles, you should always protect your skin with a broad spectrum UVA/UVB sunscreen that’s SPF 30 or higher. Not just anyone can have freckles. In order to have freckles, you must have a variation of the MC1R gene. People of all heritages and skin tones can have this genetic mutation. Why Are Freckles More Commonly Associated With Fair Skin? If there are black people with freckles, why are freckles so predominantly associated with people with fair skin? Why aren't there many examples of black people with freckles? The answer lies in genetics. The variation of the MC1R gene that causes freckles is passed down genetically. People of Celtic heritage, who typically have very fair hair and skin, are more likely to have this genetic mutation than other groups. However, people of African, Mediterranean, Asian, and Hispanic descent can also have freckles. The genetic mutation simply isn’t as common in these groups as it is in groups of Celtic descent, so you don't see as many Asian or black people with freckles. Can Freckles Disappear? Just as freckles appear in the light, they can fade in the lack of sun exposure. Many people whose freckles appear during the summer often watch those same freckles fade over the winter. On the other hand, there are plenty of people whose freckles stay year-round after they first appear. Every person’s freckles are slightly different. 4 Tips for Taking Care of Skin with Freckles While freckles aren’t associated with skin damage, they can make you more prone to getting other, malignant types of skin conditions. Follow these four tips to take care of your skin if you have freckles. #1: Always Wear Sunscreen Both fair skinned and black people with freckles (and really everyone) should always wear sunscreen. Look for a broad spectrum UVA/UVB sunscreen that’s SPF 30 or higher. If you’re trying to limit the appearance of freckles, sunscreen will help guard your skin from the UV rays that cause freckles to appear. Sunscreen will also help prevent dangerous skin damage. #2: Visit a Dermatologist If you freckle easily, your skin will also be more prone to skin cancer and sun damage. You should visit a dermatologist at least once a year to receive a skin cancer screening. Some types of skin cancer look like freckles, so it’s important to visit a doctor who can help you tell the difference. #3: Perform Monthly Self-Examinations Just like women should perform monthly breast self exams, people with freckles should perform monthly skin exams. You don’t have to do anything fancy for a skin exam- simply make note of the freckles, moles, and other skin markings you have. The more aware you are of your body, the more likely you are to notice when something has appeared or changed. #4: Exfoliate Exfoliating helps remove dead skin cells and allows for healthy skin turnover. Exfoliating will help remove dead, dull-looking skin and help your other skin care products, like sunscreen and moisturizers, work better. Recap: Can Black People Have Freckles? Freckles are caused by a variation on the MC1R gene- and anyone, with any skin color or heritage, can have them. Freckles are clusters of melanin-producing cells that appear when exposed to UV rays. If you have freckles, it’s important to take good care of your skin by using sunscreen to prevent from sun damage.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Sustainable operations,research paper Research Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Sustainable operations, - Research Paper Example Carrefour is a multi-format, multi-channel and multi-local group comprising of approximately 9,994 stores which operates in thirty three different countries in the world. Stores operate in a range formats and channels namely, hypermarkets, supermarkets, convenience stores, cash and carry stores for professionals and hypercash stores which are specifically designed to address the requirements of different consumer segments. Some stores are designed by vertically integrating the stages in the value chain example, Hypercash stores combines the benefits of Cash and carry stores (wholesale) and convenience of hypermarkets (retail). Creating specific investment between stages of the value chain helps firms to internally exploit their pool of knowledge and capacities, and to guarantee quality of inputs and services employed (DÃ ­ez N.p). Carrefour has launched specific sustainability oriented programs to the stakeholders in different stages of its value chain. Sustainable development for the business enterprise can be defined as adopting business strategies and activities that meet the needs of the enterprise and its stakeholders while protecting, sustaining and enhancing the human and natural resources that will be needed in the future. This definition suggests that business growth must meet the needs of its shareholders; lenders, customers, employees, suppliers and communities who are affected by the organization’s activities which must not irreparably degrade or destroy the natural and human resource bases in its venture for raising physical and financial capital. Carrefour adopts a sustainable development self-assessment tool for the suppliers which is a detailed self-evaluation framework designed in conjunction with the World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF) and the French Environment and Energy Management Agency (ADEME), accessible to suppliers online, including forty nine self assessment criteria based on four central pillars: sustainable development management

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Jazz and the influence it had on the 1920's Research Paper

Jazz and the influence it had on the 1920's - Research Paper Example Jazz originated in the 20th century in the communities of the African American in the South America. It is an amalgamation of African and European music (Kirchner, Bill 2005). Jazz is a piece of music which is difficult to define and there have been many attempts to define jazz by the help of other musical pieces. One solution to this is to define jazz more broadly and hence, Berendit defines jazz as one form of art which originated in the America through the confrontation of blacks with European music. He further argues that jazz has a special relationship to time, which is defined as 'swing’ (E, Joachim and Berendit.1981). The 1920’s is commonly referred to as the jazz age but was also an age of contradiction because there was prosperity on one hand and isolation on the other hand. As already mentioned, Jazz is a term which is difficult to define but yet there are many definitions of it. J A Rogers defines it as â€Å"A joyous revolt from convention, custom, authorit y, boredom, even sorrow from everything that would confine the soul of man and hinder its riding free on the air† (Rogers, J.A 1925).... New Orleans was the birthplace of jazz and Chicago and the Midwest were the home of recorded jazz until the late 1920s (Phillips, Damon J and Owen, David A. 2004). Jazz has always been a utilitarian music that is it is intended mostly for dancing. King Oliver’s jazz band, one of the excellent jazz bands’ recorded 40 title in the year 1923. The Jean Goldkette orchestra of 1927 which featured Cornetist Bix Beiderbecke was relegated to recording a mostly dreary group of pop songs. The great jazz numbers arranged by Bill Challis were unreleased by Victor Records which considered them commercially unacceptable. The period from 1929 to 1940 is when most of the jazz standards were originated. During this era, there were many great and excellent song writers who contributed for Broadway shows, for example, George Gershwin, Cole Porter, Richard Rodgers and Lorentz hart, Irving Berlin and Walter Dinaldson. Most of the historians agree that jazz began just prior to the turn of the twentieth century, and the most likely birthplace of this great piece of music was the city of New Orleans. The city of New Orleans is on the Mississippi River, the major waterway from the southern to northern United States which made it a conduit for music of all types, especially ragtime from Missouri and the blues from Mississippi. A person could hear a brass band playing ragtime, string trios playing popular ballads, the street musicians singing the blues and early jazz bands playing all of these things. The first Blues number, which was written as a popular song was the ‘Dallas Blues’. Tunes with the word Blues became very popular from then onwards. The decade of the 1920s was marked by huge advances in the

Monday, November 18, 2019

Female Dishonor in The Death of Woman Wang Essay

Female Dishonor in The Death of Woman Wang - Essay Example Woman Wang is an ill-fated personage who symbolizes the pervasive silence or constrained muffling of women. Spence unearths the judicial system in the Qing dynasty and demonstrates the odds which were against women. Woman Wang does not speak much and one observes that her husband and illicit lover are the ones who hold primary discourse. Because of the shameful circumstances surrounding her ignominious death, the law dictates that no one has the right to touch her. Only another old village woman can do a post-mortem examination to probe the cause of death. Woman Wang, as a result, attained an ‘untouchable’ and outcast position.   Ã¢â‚¬Å"Throughout much of Chinese history, mortal-moral women have been held in highest esteem†¦the one central characteristic of their appeal was that they served as moral exemplars†¦ role models and as ideal cultural archetypes† (Peterson) Chinese historic annals applaud chaste women. On the other hand, the dishonored women w ould fade into oblivion, names forgotten or expunged from records. The survival of the mini-narratives through Spence’s account signifies that even the women with alleged marred reputations still deserved a place in history and their tales mentioned.   Illegitimate legal practices riddled the Chinese justice system, ensuring that women would be voiceless or unable to prosecute their abusers. Women were labeled as natural fornicators; therefore, cases of rape go unpunished. The prejudiced system comprised of Emperor, magistrates, diplomats, literati, and husbands. Also as a result of gross inequalities, men have unrestrained freedom to leave their wives and forsake their children to pursue another lover (Jurich 12). The dishonor of women is a reflection of the cheap worth put on their lives by society. In one scenario, Woman T’sai’s husband runs through her estate after marriage in dissipated living. He then plans to sell his wife as prostitute to continue drinking and gambling. This brief outline demonstrates a practice which was not only common, but also accepted (Hughes 16). Prostitution is one of the lowest ranks to which a woman in the moral-conscious society in China could sink. Ironically this ‘industry’ which exploited women thrived. The subject of prostitution is therefore a hypocritical contradiction, which allowed men unlimited latitude for sexual relations and imposing restraints on the woman. Spence unfolds a story of another notorious death of a woman – pushed by her forlornness to suicide. Nan San Fu agrees to marry a woman named Tou. Here, the reader observes the carefree, wayfaring man, the desertion of dishonored women by fiancà © and family, socioeconomic and emotional depression, a last petition and suicide.

Friday, November 15, 2019

Olympic and paralympic games in london

Olympic and paralympic games in london 1. Introduction On 6th July in Year 2005, London has been selected as the host cit of 2012 Olympic and Paralympic Games . The Olympic Games will be held on 27 July 2012, with the Paralympics following from 29 August 2012, (, House of Commons Public Accounts Thirty-Ninth Report) therefore, the organizations which have the provision of a fixed duration of the Olympic Games related. Progress has been made in a number of areas London was chosen to host the Games, in the key projects, re-routing underground Olympic Park, including the power line. (The Report of 2012 London Olympics, 2009) Olympic Delivery Authority has also begun the procurement activities, including the appointment of Delivery Partners, to support the management of Olympic Delivery in venues and infrastructure. (Annual Report and Accounts 2006-2007, Olympic Delivery Authority) 1.1Experiences of Olympic regeneration l The failure of Helliniko Olympic Complex after 2004 There were 22 permanent new venues built for the 2004 game. The rest of the competition venues have been renovated to cater for larger audiences. Only one out of the 33 competing venues was temporary and intended for removal afterward. Helliniko Olympic complex (one of the two Olympic complexes): Six Sporting venues: Kayak, Hockey, Baseball, Softball and two indoor arenas. The complex has been left derelict since 2004. l Successes in Atlanta Before the Olympic, the Centennial Olympic Parks neighbourhood was a run-down as is East London. After the Olympics, the 21-acre park performs a dual mission as: Georgias lasting legacy of the Centennial Olympic Game be located in Stratford, East London, Lower Lea Valley, and houses the main venue of the following: The Olympic Stadium The Aquatics Centre The Hockey Centre The Velopark (Containing Velodrome and BMX Circuit) Four Multi-Sports Areas (in one building) (Construction Projects of the 2012 London Olympics, 2006) (London 2012 Constructing the Olympic reality, Andrew Bolton) 2. Construction Projects For the construction industry, the London Olympic and Paralympic Games Organizing Committee said it would involve a 80,000 seat Olympic stadium, an Aquatics Centre, 4 Multi-Sports Arenas, a Velopark, Hockey Center, as well as numerous training, catering broadcasting development and security facilities. ( regard to the Olympic Village, the Committee also mentioned that it would consist of approximately 4,000 residential accommodation units, which will be the construction of housing 17000 athletes and officials, the formation of more than 200 nations.(Consrtcution Projects of the 2012 London Olympics,2006) The most important is that these long-term achievements are very wide-ranging and, directly or indirectly related to property, redevelopment and construction activities, sustainability, regeneration and infrastructure.(,2006) 2.1 Master plan in Construction From the report of Construction Projects of the 2012 London Olympics†, explained, the Olympic Park master plan by the London Development Agency (LAD) and BuroHappold from leading industry consultants including engineers, project managers and architects Huokemeisi Team support to sports, Alies and Morrison, Foreign Office Architects, consulting Faithful and Gould and Mott MacDonald.(Construction Projects of the 2012 London Olympics,2006) The overall plan for research, it is easy to find, the Olympic Games will be held at venues across the country with the main focus on the Olympic Park. The park will be located in Stratford, East London, Lower Lea Valley, and houses the main venue of the following: The Olympic Stadium The Aquatics Centre The Hockey Centre The Velopark (Containing Velodrome and BMX Circuit) Four Multi-Sports Areas (in one building) (Construction Projects of the 2012 London Olympics,2006) (London 2012 Constructing the Olympic reality, Andrew Bolton) 2.2 The Strategy for Sustainable Construction The sustainable construction strategy ( is a joint industry and Government initiative designed to promote leadership and behavior change, as well as provide the benefit in the construction industry and the overall economy. Its purpose is to achieve sustainable development and construction of a common vision: to provide a clarity business-to-the Governments position, so that a variety of regulations and measures for sustainability; Setting and commitment to higher standards in order to help achieve the specific areas of sustainability; Production industry and the Governments specific commitments to take sustainable construction agenda forward. (The big build: structures Milestones to 27 July 2010, Olympic Delivery Authority, 2009) 3. Transportation By the Sixth Special Report of Session 2006-2007, which belongs to the London 2012 Olympic and Paralympic Games Transport concluded that in all of the plans to provide the delivery system acrossed all the model is fully established, they are expected to reach the propose which bellowed: (Transport for the London 2012 Olympic and Paralympics Games: The Draft Transport plan: Olympic Delivery Authority Response to the Committees Third Report of Session 2006-2007, the House of Commons, 2007) In order to make the best use of existing transport infrastructure, form improve service levels to achieve the best possible value for the money, and only the establishment of new infrastructure where it is vital and leaves a legacy. The use of cost-effective temporary solution, if necessary, to meet the temporary peaks which demand for the travel of the Olympic Games in the absence of inheritance. If the new infrastructure or services needed for the ODAs strategy is to utilize existing expertise and processes to deliver them. The ODA has been delivered with partners in the UK under a series of agreements and Britains well establishment of transportation industries, offering on behalf of railway projects. Partners include Transport for London (TfL), Network Rail and Docklands Light Railway (DLR), each of the implementation of projects of all transportation experience. This experience has been further strengthened directly related to work into the management of recruiting a lot of experience in ODA transport team. ï ¼Ë†London 2012 Accessible Transport Strategy for the London 2012 Olympic and Paralympic Games, May 2008ï ¼â€° 3.1 The strategy for Transport And about the strategy of accessible can use: The 2012 Olympic Games will be a catalyst to improve the whole of London and the UKs transport network accessibility. The Olympic Delivery Authority (ODA) target for 100% of the spectators access by public transport, cycling or on foot to the Olympic Games. And also make sure the ticket to the Games, including free travel by public transport in London for the activities of the day to encourage the spectators to use the transport system. There will be a 35 km pedestrian and cycle paths, an area of increasing. (These slides refer form London 2012 Accessible Transport Strategy for the London 2012 Olympic and Paralympic Games May 2008) 3.11 Docklands Light Railway (DLR) Docklands Light Railway Limited (DLRL) ( the organization; with the railway own assets. In the Department of Transportation as part of its role is to oversee operation of the railway and program development to meet the needs of the east. Form the report of the 2012 Olympics; it mentioned that ODA co-funding early procurement form 22 additional rail cars to 55 of the beginning of the formation of three-cars to run in 2012 (rather than two-cars operators).The new requirements, under-river channel expansion of Woolwich Arsenals official development assistance has made a contribution to the signal and power engineering. The first tunneling drivers southwards to Arsenal station completed in December last year. And also a wide range of infrastructure projects across the DLR; which affect a network of 17 to three-car trains in 2012 (in a 50 per cent of the capacity between Lewisham and the Bank to increase). To guaranteed the ability to Prince Regent Station and Customs House official station development assistance funds to serve the Excel event improvement works. Ensure that City Airport expansion on time and below the budget. Then the new platform of DLR and access in Stratford Regional Station to the service needs of lon g-term growth. ODA is co-financing of the North London Line into the operation of the DLR operation, South and East of Stratford Regional Station, which is in progress. (ï ¼Å'2009) 3.12 London Underground All Line train lengthening the individual increase of 17 per cent capacity (has been already completed, in January 2006), moving block signals will be installed in order to reduce 25 percent in December 2009 journey time, further enhance capacity. In addition, there are several large background schemes between 2009 and 2012; including all District line trains refurbished fulfill the plan. ï ¼Ë†Transport for the London 2012 Olympic and Paralympic Games: The Draft Transport plan: Olympic Delivery Authority Response to the Committees Third report of Session 2006-07, the House of Commons, 2007ï ¼â€° 3.13 National Rail Projects In particular, the ODA is essential to stable away from the Stratford Train parking facilities to the west of the Lea Valley railway lines. West Ham station enhances passenger service for mainline commuter station signals increase the capacity of trains per hour stopping. In a wide range of capabilities, more and more on the design and preparation of Stratford Regional Station to start the project site. In addition, there are eight local, regional or national railway projects schemes to improve railway transportation capacity, reliability and travel for all users (, the ambience, as well as the Olympic Games provide specific benefits, these include: (1) Enhanced to a higher frequency among the metro style between Richmond and Stratford-service of the North London Line. ( (2) By the summer of 2010 to extend the delivery and reconstruction of East London Line Highbury and Islington, connect with Stratford (, in the North and Crystal Palace in the south of London. (   (3)Between the completion of St Pancras, Stratford International, Ebbsfleet and Paris/Brusseis, it has the high-speed connection. (Transport for the London 2012 Olympic and Paralympics Games: The Draft Transport plan: Olympic Delivery Authority Response to the Committees Third Report of Session 2007-2007, the House of Commons, 2007) ( 4. Community It is clear that regeneration goal: into a new prosperous and sustainable society of the Olympic Park in east London, and as an investment and development opportunities, the success of the catalyst. During the Olympics, in 246 hectares of Olympic Park facilities include permanent and temporary facilities, including the Olympic stadium, the aquatics center and velodrome. There will also be the Olympic Village, media center and new parks, all over the Lea Valley waterways. ï ¼Ë†, 2009ï ¼â€° After the Olympics, the parks sports legacy will be in fulfilling our plans and to participate in communitys traditional elite sports core of the obligations. The focus of activities and its affiliated schools sports facilities will be retained for sports clubs and local communities, as well as the adaptation of elite and amateur athletes. Another 1 million new homes will develop the Olympic Park itself. These 40% will be used for families; a large proportion of affordable housing.They will participate in all of the elements of a good community: schools, libraries, shops, cafes, restaurants, green space and community facilities, to the development of the major cultural and tourist attractions. ï ¼Ë†The budget for the London 2012 Olympic and Paralympic Games Fourteenth Report of Session 2007-08, Home of Common Community of Public Accountsï ¼â€° Has the improvement of transport services, and many parks are under way, including the Docklands Light Railway extension, an increase of the silver-line capabilities and Stratford Regional Station upgrade.Around the park, people enjoy through the canal Towpath, footpaths and cycle networks, greater access to parks and open spaces. 5. Case study These cases play the significant role for the 2012 London Olympic Games and Paralympic Games, which are Lewisham, Stratford, and Canary Warf. 5.1 Lewisham Lewisham as one of the closest geographical neighbors to the host boroughs, Lewisham represents a gateway to the games and the capital. Lewisham town center is the citys major retail area and an important railway hub with mainline, Docklands Light Railway (DLR) and bus interchanges. Lewisham Couil is ready to care the realization of the Gateway scheme focuses on the city center plan of action. The scheme will provide 1,000 new homes, new shopping and improve the environment. (, 2009)The Gateway development is the key to eliminate the existing roundabout to make better use of land is currently surrounded by traffic. Rearrange the road at the junction of the railway line; new development opportunities are being created. This will create a well-designed transport interchange, new housing and new employment opportunities; enhance the existing town center links. ( the further investment plans of the High Street, this center with regard to the expansion and reconstruction of Valley shopping center and public areas renovated.At the appropriate time, in the Lewis Grove Island and Engate Street redevelopment may occur as soon as possible. Other areas, the planning consent of more than 200 homes each year, including Thurston Road and Venson Sites. 5.2 Stratford This massive development plan will bring nearly 5,000 homes and 30,000 jobs to Stratford, and has obtained outline-planning consent. Newham Councils Development Control and Licensing Committee approve the Stratford City development; will change rundown rail lands as a major shopping and commercial area. () The plan includes 465,000 square meters of offices, about 11,000 people, 150,500 square meters of retail space, up to the 2000 hotel bedrooms in 4,850 new homes. There is also a drop-in in health centers and primary health care center, plus community facilities including an employment bureau and youth facilities. (,2009) There will be a four-form of primary and secondary school, which could for 900 students, a four-classroom nursery and facilities for lifelong learning, plus a large number of public open spaces, games areas and water features facilities. A library, tourist information centers, nurseries, day-care facilities, public services and security offices, offices and civil society groups and religious sites, facilities, facilities are being planned. (, 2009) The application will now be referred to the Mayor of London, Deputy Prime Ministers Office and the Secretary of State for Transport. (, 2009) Also must rise to a legal agreement between all parties in order to reduce environmental and transport network development. Newham accepted as part of the agreement at any time  £150.4 million pounds welfare of the community. The project covers an area of 73 crosses the railway land, has become with the railway industry to reduce redundant. (, 2009) Consultation exercise has been going on between the local planning authorities, statutory undertakers, transport bodies, the major landowners and local communities. Stratford City scheme, including 4500 for the 11,000 inhabitants, 46.5 million square meters of commercial office space and 15 million square meters of the town center, a total of three department stores and 120 shops and cafes. (, 2009) The development surrounds the Startford Channel Tunnel Rail Link international station, which will open in 2007. The proposed of Stratford City will begin construction in 2006, completed in 2009 following the development of the city center and 2020, the stage of completion. This will create a new business area as a gateway to Europe, only 2 hours from Paris to London. The new Stratford International Station will be placed within easy reach of the railway in Europe. (http://www.rao;, 2009) The development will create local employment opportunities for local people, includin g the 15000 construction jobs and up to 30,000 retail and office work. 5.3 Canary Wharf Canary Wharf is home to a high concentration of headquarters and is an established financial services centre rivalling the City.(Preparations for the London 2012 Olympic and Paralympic Games Risk assessment and management, Thirty-ninth Report of Session 2006-2007, House of Commons Committee of Public Accounts ) Companies, including Barclays Bank, Reuters, Citigroup, HSBC and Morgan Stanley. About 65,000 people work here and the region is expected by 2010, employing 10 million people- including 3,000 employees, to 70,000 volunteers and a lot of contractors. () To the area offer most affordable rates for a number of commercial and industrial property accumulations in London. The A13 and A2 corridors either the River Thames east side of the corridor is more active regions running the new industrial and logistics development. Canary Wharf offers some of the best office space in London. (, 2009) Contrast to the Commerce: from High-Profile, award-winning range of the regions Canary Wharf development in a well-developed environmental technology, manufacturing, R D, logistics and distribution centers of industrial facilities. East London City Airport is designed for business travel. Quick check-in service, management personnel can sit less than 30 minutes after the aircraft left the desk. London International Airport is all within 60 minutes of Canary Wharf. The Jubilee line connects Stratford and Canary Wharfs major railway terminals, while the Docklands Light Railway (DLR) to connect Canary Wharf and other East London City and direct. This station serves the heart of Canary Wharfs financial and media district. It architecturally stuns station, includes over 200 shops, waterside bars and restaurants. (http://www.thinkinglondon.html, 2009) 6. Conclusion As we have known, the Olympics take more effects to London, to UK. However, from another side, whether we think about the slides below: The movement of middle class families into urban areas causing property values to rise and having the secondary effect of driving out poorer families The Docklands regeneration was criticized for reinforcing the social divide between rich and poor With 30% post-games housing being affordable to low income families, there will be an imbalance of rich and poor in the society Will the area revert to poverty or gentrify? Maybe above all the slides told that everything has two sides, good and bad. At present, from this research project, it proved that most of the direction of Government doing were advantage, those will bring more effects to people, although bring some Negative aspects. They are unprecedented for a development of this nature.

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

Knowles Separate Peace Essays: Maturity in A Separate Peace

Maturity in A Separate Peace   In A Separate Peace, by John Knowles, the focus spotlight is quickly turned upon Gene Forrester and his maturity through the novel. He expresses his ideas about the many subjects through the book through his position as the novel's narrator. Also, as the book progresses, so does Gene's maturity.   Ã‚  Ã‚   The first chapter of A Separate Peace establishes the character Gene Forrester, who in actuality is a portrayal of John Knowles himself, according to a recent interview. In this establishment of the main character, Gene sets his place as a grown up and fully matured man, looking back on an incident when he was only sixteen years old. He vividly describes Devon High School as he currently saw, and as he remembered from the days of his past. The description provided in this chapter proves to the reader that in the events following this soliloquy, a young character will emerge, and will grow into the man they just read about.   Ã‚  Ã‚   In Chapter Two and Three, Gene develops a close bond with his roommate Finny. However, Gene, develops a sheer envy for Finny, and acknowledges it as the truth. He is extremely envious of the methods in which Finny uses to escape his unconventional actions and his popularity. He doctors himself in self-assurance, by repeatedly telling himself over and over again that having a best friend like Finny is a compliment and should be looked at as an achievement. However, this excuse is transparent of Gene's maturity at this point, portraying a very young, foolish, and selfish young man. It later leads to inner conflict within Gene. During this chapter, Finny and Gene brainstorm and create the Super Suicide Society of the Summer Se... ...orced him to grow up; it has forced him to realize his boyish selfishness and stupidity behind some of his actions. In the last two chapters, Gene depicts to the reader the thought process in which his mind goes through. Especially in Chapter Twelve, where the book draws to the climax of Gene finding meaning to the environment surrounding him.   Ã‚  Ã‚   A great deal of growing and heartfelt thoughts was brought forth by having Gene as the narrator. The reader was allowed to see inside the mind of another human, and see the thought process that went through the young man's head. The realization that the mind controls the mental growth is very strong throughout the whole book, considering the very immature outlook Gene took upon Finny and the events involving Finny, which evolve into carefully thought out remorse that grows into much needed maturity.